Monday, August 22, 2016

Big Project (Post #1)

Last post I mentioned a big project I am working on and promised to give more details in another post.  Well, friends, this is that post. 

I will be attempting (again) to write and finish my first novel/novella.  Right now the plan is to aim for a novella, but depending on how things progress I might get a little more ambitious with the project.  I’ve started two different novels and have gotten lost, and I have outlined and brainstormed many, many more stories.  However, I have never been able to put everything together and actually get a large project finished.  This was actually very discouraging and I allowed that feeling of disappointment to fuel excuses for why I haven’t written much in the last couple years.   There were other personal and professional reasons (both positive and negative) that also got in the way to a small degree, but ultimately it was the fact that I allowed myself to believe I wouldn’t finish a project to prevent me from pursuing any over the last couple years.

Well, I’ve told those silly negative voices that they are no longer needed, and the enthusiasm for writing was happy to return to the forefront of my creative mindset.  Now that I got the attitude and enthusiasm back, I needed to sit down and think about ways to set myself up for a more successful outcome.  That is where my favorite author Brandon Sanderson comes in.

If you have read through some of the earlier posts here, you probably noticed that I am a big Brandon Sanderson fan.  Whether it’s his writing or his lectures that are posted on YouTube, I tend to fan-boy out where he’s concerned.  A few weeks ago I noticed his newest semester of writing lectures have started to be posted.  I’ve noticed that each semester his class differs slightly with some new info being presented each time.  I have used incredible will power to keep from diving into that series of lectures.  The plan is to write my novel/novella along with his lectures as if I were a student in his class.

His classes tend to be about an hour’s worth of lecture that he posts online and then workshops with writing groups that are done off camera.  I’ll work on keeping up with his class and meeting the word count requirements that he requires for each lecture.  The plan is to watch the lecture on my Mondays off (every other Monday) and work toward the word count and focus on the content he covers in that lecture. 

That gives me two weeks to hit a very reasonable word count requirement before each new lecture.  Early on in the process that will give me time to get flustered and then recover, gather my thoughts, and power through.  Starting is always a little intimidating, so having time to build up momentum will help a lot.  As I progress with the book and get into a groove, that extra time can be used to go back and work on some revisions or to blaze ahead toward the final word count goal.

I’m planning on writing at least one blog per lecture period about how things go with the writing process.  I’ll give a brief synopsis of the lecture and list a few goals I hope to achieve over the next couple weeks.  The next blog will include the same info plus whether or not I was able to accomplish what I wanted to the previous couple weeks.

I’m excited for this plan.  By following along an actual class and by posting about it, I feel like I can keep myself accountable and also keep with the project all the way through without getting frustrated and stopping to plan a new project.  That typically is where I run into trouble. 

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